Daddy Freeze Shares Video Of Primary School Student Terrified Upon Seeing A Laptop For The First Time
A video trending online, shared by OAP Daddy freeze shows a primary school student terrified upon seeing a laptop for the first time. The video, which was shared by OAP Daddy Freeze, shows the little girl bursting into tears upon setting eyes on a laptop and being moved towards it. The On Air personlity wrote on the caption; video of a primary school girl who is seeing a laptop for the first time and is terrified! – In Romania quality education is free yet no one pays tithe. While in Nigeria, even tithe payers can’t afford the expensive schools built with their own tithe money, hence the well furnished churches and poorly furnished classrooms that litter 67Land! ~FRZ Click video for sound Video video of a primary school girl who is seeing a laptop for the first time and is terrified! - In Romania quality education is free yet no one pays tithe. While in Nigeria, even t...