A video trending online, shared by OAP Daddy freeze shows a primary school student terrified upon seeing a laptop for the first time. The video, which was shared by OAP Daddy Freeze, shows the little girl bursting into tears upon setting eyes on a laptop and being moved towards it. The On Air personlity wrote on the caption; video of a primary school girl who is seeing a laptop for the first time and is terrified! – In Romania quality education is free yet no one pays tithe. While in Nigeria, even tithe payers can’t afford the expensive schools built with their own tithe money, hence the well furnished churches and poorly furnished classrooms that litter 67Land! ~FRZ Click video for sound Video video of a primary school girl who is seeing a laptop for the first time and is terrified! - In Romania quality education is free yet no one pays tithe. While in Nigeria, even t...
The new album from Robin Beck, entitled Love Is Coming, will be released on October 13th. A new “making of” video is available for streaming below. Robin Beck is truly one of the most gifted vocalists under the broad umbrella of rock music and it was with great pleasure that Frontiers welcomed her back to the label for her new album, Love Is Coming. The new recording sees her partnering with Clif Magness (Steve Perry, Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson) who mixed and produced. Beck’s husband James Christian (House Of Lords) co-produced, while Tommy Denander (Robin’s long standing music partner) co-produced the song “Girl Like Me”, with Maor Appelbaum mastering the album. Hit after hit after hit after hit is the best description of the songs on offer, with the album encompassing everything that goes from melodic rock to gritty soul inspired rock. As Robin says, “it had to be better than anything I've ever done in the last 20 years and I believe I ...
THE SONGS WE KNOW BEST John Ashbery’s Early Life By Karin Roffman Illustrated. 316 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $30. “My own autobiography has never interested me very much,” John Ashbery once told an interviewer. “Whenever I try to think about it, I seem to draw a complete blank.” Over the course of his long career as one of America’s most celebrated poets, Ashbery has fiercely defied a central premise of the lyric poetic tradition: that a poem should be a “song of myself,” an utterance that springs from the circumstances of the writer’s life and gives insight into the author’s mind and feelings. “I have always been averse to talking about myself and so I don’t write about my life the way the confessional poets do,” he has said. Instead, Ashbery aims to create “paradigms of common experience which I hope other peopl...